Operation Roxy - In Progress

Saturday, June 17, 2006

1000 Steps 52m 59s

Not Good, Not Good! My last time was 40m 02s! But that's what you get when you have been a glutton and not exercised and gain back basically every kg you have lost this year in 2.5 weeks!

I'm over it - Why do I do this to myself. It is time to shape up and do it right! Gotta plan and shop and shop and plan and cook and get it right! Mum, Jen & I at the top!

I will turn over a new leaf. I will reach my goals.

My anniversary of my weightloss challenge is looming and here's the task. If I can get from Monday 19th till June 29th (my anniversary) and behave myself the entire time (it's 10 days! 9 if you don't count my free day) Then I get myself a new Pink Polar Heartrate montitor. No more mucking around - just buy it.

So the question is will I do this to get something for myself? Or will I let myself down? In the whole journey I don't think I have ever needed a kick up the arse so hard! When you are 82.7kg and the next time you step on the scales you are 88kg there are some huge issues that need sorting NOW!

"Look, If you had one shot, or one opportinity to seize everything you ever wanted - One moment! Would you capture it or just let it slip?" - Eminem, Lose Yourself
Posted by Jadey :: 4:03 PM :: 4 comments

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