Operation Roxy - In Progress
Monday, May 15, 2006
Day 8 of 84
I had a fantastic week last week. I discovered on Saturday what a brilliant mood changer exercise can be. I was in a grump for some reason then I threw on my runners off to the gym - pounded it out on the treadmill and came home joyous. It was like being a total other person! I was so happy and free after that.Only problem being - that was the last time I saw my runners. I have no gym shoes right now - they are gone! This also means I missed my LBWO today as I dont think slip ons are going to cut it.
I have a second pair, I just need to find them. Then come hail or high water I will be back in the gym for my cardio tomorrow and I will do my LBWO anyway! Food has been spot on! Free day = a chocolate binge! My binges these days barely resemble a nibble of yore. And the funny thing being I now know there is NO WAY I could polish off a family block. I would be way too sick trying beforehand. Which is a fabulous thing. That controls me in a good way.Now also on top of my lost runners I have lost my trackies. Leaving me with 1 pair. Hard to cope with when I spend 6 days in the gym a week and I haven't got a dryer. SO we went shopping yesterday as well. I was trying on all size 14 trackies ! And alot of them were too big. NONE of them looked half decent (mostly baggy in all the most unflattering areas) So I still have only 1 pair right now. I wasn't buying stuff that looked crappy on me. So I need to shop again tomorrow. Now I know tracky daks aren't the thing to measure yourself up against. BUT would I have been able to slip a size 14 over my thighs 12 months ago? Not a chance! Am I happy? Oh GOD yes! Must keep working at it. Must keep working hard at it!SO to steal a phrase from my new friend "WooHoo NickiB" GO HARD or Go Shopping for Fat Clothes!
Posted by Jadey ::
10:20 PM ::
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