Operation Roxy - In Progress

Friday, October 21, 2005

Hi Jenny!!!!

Well, well, well.

On my trip to the doc's this morning I met a reader of my blog! Her name is Jenny and I would link to her but she doesn't write, just reads. So Hi Jenny!!!!

It's kinda weird when you sit at the doc's thinking you're going to die and someone asks if you are a nail tech. I'm like yeah kewl my nails look good. ha ha ha. Then she says do you have a website where you are like Ummmm Loosing weight????? Oh wow - yes I do! She recognisedme from one of my pics - which is great cause I never recognise anyone from their pics!! Jenny has lost 20kilos!!!!! Go Jenny!!

This has excited me no end to meet someone who reads my blog and approaches me in the street! (well the doctors office) I want to meet more people. I wish I was back in Sydney though where I could meet up with my blogger/LITS & My gorgeous gf's Loz & Simmo (who are LITS members now too anyway) more often.

Well I have been told to eat some more carbs cause I am crook! So yay go toast!
I am going to kind of eat well but not stress about Optifast. I will probably stick with about 24 points on ww and not panic if I don't "save" any for later. I just need to relax now. So yes going to the gym last night and today were BAD ideas.

I have severe infections in both ears - hence why I am dizzy and nauseous prob responsible for the headaches too
I have a throat infection - Yay for the sore throat and the husky voice.
I have a chest infection - Hence the occasional cough
I have Bronchitus & Asthma - No wonder I have a tight chest and am out of breath
All of the above contributes to my high temperature & my general feeling of cruddiness.

At least I have some time to blog (when I am not on my back from the room spinning) so beware I may have long boring posts ahead. I tell you this much - I am not looking forward to having NO income at all next week! I hate being Casual when it comes to getting sick.

Posted by Jadey :: 7:52 AM :: 7 comments

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