Operation Roxy - In Progress

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hi All!

My gym is running a fund raiser for the Royal Childrens Hospital Good Friday Appeal and I have decided to jump on board.

Basically I count how many kms I do in a run, walk, swim or cycle session everyday and put them on a board. I then have to go out and find some sponsorship! (The classes have a set km allowance also)

I am looking for people to either sponsor me per km I can put on the board or just sponsor me a set amount (say $20) It's all payable in the week before easter so even if you can't rake up anything now you might / should be able to by then.

No excuses if you live on the other side of the country to me either because I am more than happy to provide bank details or my address Smile

I would love it if as many people could get behind me and the kids as possible!

There is a treadmill to be won for the person who raises the most money but I'm not holding my breath knowing how many gyms there are.

To sponsor me just post a comment here and include your email address (if it's not already linked through) or send an email to kitten _ jadey at hotmail dot com (obviously not in that format) And I'll send you the details!

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Posted by Jadey :: 2:48 PM :: 4 comments

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