Operation Roxy - In Progress
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Back Home
Well - I am now home safe and sound and No Doubt a few kilo's heavier. Going away just isn't condusive to me sticking to a healthy diet. I am super bad at it.
However I couldn't have asked for more from my beautiful partner Jason. I have had a wondeful time and I do love suprises.
Ah well - must plan and prepare and get straight back into it with no more tomorrows as there are only 55 sleeps until Christmas. I am much more planned than any year in my life's history for Christmas but still well behind the Fabulous Miss Nicky who seems to be this years Christmas champion. Gotta admit I will probably steal some of her ideas.
I don't even know which city I am going to be in for Christmas yet. I would like Jason to come down for the 4 days (correct me if I'm wrong) that will incorporate the weekend and public holidays. But he is blah about it all. He has never flown down here (always driven) and says he doesn't want to drive for 2 days (fair enough) and flights wold be too exxy.
Maybe I should just book the flights as a Christmas present to him. I mean his family isn't "big" on Christmas and we always do something special so I don't like being up there for Chrissy.A Huge Happy Birthday to one of my Very best friends Loz who turns 25 today. I took a box of Koko Black Choccies up to Sydney for her which she thoroughly enjoyed. (who wouldn't) Hopefully they will open in Sydney by the time I move back. I have a lot of blogs to catch up on so I best get to it. Take Care - Go Hard! "Breathe - Let Go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." - Oprah Winfrey
Posted by Jadey ::
8:06 PM ::

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