Operation Roxy - In Progress

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Come and see the show!

It's bin night so we are getting the garbage out etc.. and all of a sudden the people across the road are beeping their horn and you look over and they are yelling at each other - she's in the car beeping her horn and he's behind the car trying to stop her backing out of the driveway.

These are new neighbours so we haven't experienced this kind of behaviour.

Especially when HE is totally NUDE!
Naked, Going au Naturale, in his birthday suit, without a stitch, swinging in the breeze.

Mum freaked out and went running to Dad and said umm the man across the road is naked. Dad didn't believe her but sure enough there he stood in full view while she sounded the horn.

Dad was wearing high vis clothing so he was easily seen - at this stage the neighbour noticed the audience and scurried inside while his wife made a getaway.

Must have been an important fight for someone to leave the house without even throwing on some underwear!

I somehow don't think we are going to get to know our neighbours any time soon.

Posted by Jadey :: 9:26 PM :: 5 comments

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