Operation Roxy - In Progress
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Depressed a Bit
Today is so miserable! It is pouring outside!
So cold!
Mum and I decided to go to do our walk at the shopping center today because the rain just wouldn't ease up. Mum had to buy a 50th birthday present for her friend anyway and the plan was to grab a gift voucher from a nice shop for her house, we ended up buying a voucher from Crate which is an awesome little shop with lots of lovely knick knacks.
I tried to squeeze my foot into a size 9 Nike but as it would be I don't fit!
So until I find someone that sells in my size I am screwed. - None of these shops have shox in them either so I don't think I am going to end up with shoes I want anytime soon.
I got home to a fight between my brother and my dad - which my brother moved onto me because I wouldn't wax his arms for him tonight. It all escalated and blew up and ended up with me leaving the house until he was gone.
Mum and Dad have this party tonight so they are going out and I grabbed a few videos, because I'm going to be home alone and there is nothing on TV. I spotted the lolly gobble bliss bombs at the video store though and I bought them - Guilty!
I stuffed them in my handbag so Mum wouldn't see them when I came home - Guilty
I got home admitted my guilt and handed them over to Mum who has hidden them away - BLAH stupid
They wouldn't have been worth it anyway - but God I want them right now!
No I don't I really just want a hot donut! I have been craving hot donuts for a week - Oh who am I kidding? I have craved hot donuts my entire life!
The fact Mum and Dad are Eating Raisin toast all the time at the moment which smells like cinnamon does not help.
But I haven't broken my diet and I haven't skipped a singles days walk yet - I am proud of myself. I have to remain as such! I must loose this weight!
Posted by Jadey ::
4:08 PM ::
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