Operation Roxy - In Progress
Sunday, July 03, 2005
I'm a bit frustrated today. I just spent ages trying to make my subheading on my blog look right and at the sametime post in some forums. Well I wasn't suceeding with my blog and at the same time deleted my massive forum post. ERRRLast night I had some WEIRD dreams. Including one where I was eating Chicken. My friend knew I was on this diet and wasn't to eat anything but handed me a plate of Chicken so I ripped a piece off with my hands and put it in my mouth, but even though it was a small piece it was too big for my mouth. So I tried to chew it Nope not happening, took it out ripped it in half and tried again and it was still too big, I was getting uncomfortable and emabarressed about the fact that I looked like a pig with my mouth FULL of chicken. So I tried again and only just got it down. I ate the rest of what I had been trying to put in my mouth and freaked out about breaking my diet!Hrm - does anyone else have food dreams?? ha ha ha This blogger needs smilies and stuff - maybe I'll find a lace to go ask.At the moment I cant figure out how to edit my links or a whole pile of other stuff and I promise I will put up a pic of me when I find one.
Posted by Jadey ::
10:40 AM ::
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