Operation Roxy - In Progress
Saturday, July 09, 2005
1st Photo
Well as the photos show I am sooo big! I got mum to take these for me today (they aren't great but it's a start) I was determined to stay in trackies and a T-shirt cause my jeans hold my tummy in. :(I have no make-up or anything on - this is me Almost in the raw. I took some with just my undies on too like in the ads but they are definately only for motivating me!I jumped on the scales to see what I weigh today (purely so the photo's are accurately recorded of course) and came up at 109.8kg. So this is me at 109.8kg that's about 10kg from where I was (before I got sick but I'm not including that in my weight chart) and 4.7kg from when I started! I feel great - well the photos are a bit depressing but motivating!We measured out what we walk today (roughly) to get around the block once is 1.5kms Which was taking us just over 20 minutes to do. Today we did that in 15 minutes! So we walked up and down Rikki's court which added another .5kms to the walk and we knocked over 2kms in about 21 minutes. (Including cool down) I am hurting though in the knees and heels and that would be because my shoes need replacing. I know what I want but finding them at the right price is another matter all together. They are advertised on Ebay and my brothers gf bought a pair in her size through my account but there doesn't seem to be anyone selling shoes my size! I am trying to contact that seller but no luck so far. I went and looked at a salon to move into yesterday. I am not impressed with their levels of sanitation when it comes to nails, but other than one place I missed out on - this has been the best I have seen so far and as I would be working for myself in their salon I can bring in my own sanitation equipment and policies etc. I am hoping if I do this they will catch on and do so too. I have to wait until the weekend to have a look at the contracts though and see if I like it. It seems to be in a good position and she has some really good things set in place so fingers crossed - I am really dying to be back into a salon. Tonight I have learnt how to make Vegie Soup which forms part of my diet. It is way too simple to be believed really! If you can't make vegie soup then you could burn water (or so it seems) Anyway as I am out of soup the smell of it cooking is torturous! Yummm I just want to dig in.
Posted by Jadey ::
2:15 PM ::
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