Operation Roxy - In Progress

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So what if....

What if we were to talk weight for just a moment? For some of us we are proud of our achievements, for some frustrated with a lack of results, others have reached their goals while yet others are having no trouble maintaining. But there are a few of us who did extremely well only to have something switch and do a back flip on us and leave us back where we started or close to that or for some miles behind the starting line.

I'm lucky I'm not back where I started, but I am not far off it.

It disappoints me and I have avoided the scales and the question of weight for so long.

I can't even say how much I weigh right now. It disgusts me! I work in a gym helping others achieve their goals. When will I work on mine?

It's becoming a priority it really is.

400g lost this week.

I plan on buying myself an iTrip if the downward trend continues so I can listen to my iPod in the car. My stacker is crap (I HATE STACKERS) so I reckon this is my best option. Holds more songs than any cd anyway.

Then I plan on setting goals for each pay day (fortnightly) as long as my weight is below the last payday there's a reward. If It's above I need some kind of punishment other than my own self loathing.

Work is super hectic. End of month time now. I have some Family and Friends vouchers that gives you a massive dicount if you ar looking to join. They expire on the 31st.


Posted by Jadey :: 1:30 AM :: 8 comments

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