Operation Roxy - In Progress

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The ABC's of Me

Stolen from Dan who Stole it from Megan

A is for age: 25
B is for booze of choice: Margaritas or Daiquiris
C is for career: Beautician
D is for your dad's name: David
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Diet Coke and Comfy shoes (I'm with you Dan)
F is for favorite song at the moment: Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
G is for favorite game: Can't even remember the name of it :(
H is for hometown: Melbourne
I is for instruments you play: Piano (kind of), Flute (Kind of)
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry
K is for kids: Should have em by Now But I don't lol
L is for living arrangements: With parents and younger brother
M is for mom's name: Lorraine
N is for name of your 1st crush: Nat (shudders - what was I thinking)
O is for overnight hospital stays: 1
P is for phobias: Spiders, Snakes (pet ones are cool though), Death (not mine, other peoples & pets), Loneliness, Strangers (Bad fear that gets close to becoming agorophobic sometimes).
Q is for quotes you like: You Will Never Fail - Unless you stop Trying
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 4.5 years with my boy now. (last one was about the same)
S is for sexual preference: Straight.
T is for True Love: Yep - got him now aren't I lucky
U is for underwear: I like sexy stuff - but revel in the comfies too!
V is for vegetable you love: Potato - dammit starchy carby things Is best as fried chips with gravy or best legs chicken salt (now my tummy is rubling)
W is for weekend plans: Nothing - how dull.
X is for x-rays you've had: ankle, neck, wrist.
Y is for yummy food u make: Pancakes! I am the best.
Z is for zodiac sign: I don't believe in this and I think it's dangerous to play with.
Posted by Jadey :: 3:05 PM :: 12 comments

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