Operation Roxy - In Progress

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Write Off

Today has been a hell of a day!!!

And as I sit here and write this I have just scoffed down 2 pieces of toast and a kit kat. Ick - Ok extra walking tomorrow. Normal people eat like this - I am just not normal yet

Had a large bridal party in for full sets of french acrylic nails along with Pedicures. Problem was the bride had booked us for next weekend not this weekend and had her dates all stuffed up cause next weekend is her wedding day!!! Bit bit of a twist here and a rush there and we got them all done.

I am happy my last client left me an $8 tip. She is working in Australia at the moment but was originally from the states. I tried to refuse it but she was persistant. It was Lovely of her!

She asked for my name to make sure she booked me for next time too. WooHoo!!!! I wish more of my clients tipped I might actually make a decent wage that way LMAO - no seriously it shows you appreciate the work. I always tip peope like my hairdresser etc. (They ALWAYS give me extras next time too if time allows it he he he )

So how many people here tip anyone?? And who and what for?? I would love to know as there is no tipping "code" in Australia like in the States.

I have some people encouraging me to write which is a boost. If people find my blog entertaining, informative and helpful I am thrilled.

Did I mention I just ate another piece of toast???

Mum is cooking and it has to be better than polishing off her marshmallow slice thing. She has these slice of Marshmallow that are then rolled in toasted coconut.

Let me warn you - when you put shredded coconut under the grill do not leave it. She forgot about it and set it all on fire. Tea towels hanging over oven were on fire. Oven was high with flames, AND fire extiguisher has gone missing (we now fear we may have disposed of it cause it was out of date) Luckily we got the fire out eventually by carrying the damn oven tray to the sink with one of the teatowels that was on fire. Set fire to the curtain and the floor mat on the way but you get that and they went out easy. Was all alright in the end. The whole house was full of smoke abd the walls and oven were black but everything has cleaned up OK and there is nothing that can't be fixed. Tomorrow we buy a fire blanket and fire extinguisher and MOUNT them in an obvious place.
Posted by Jadey :: 5:40 PM :: 0 comments

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