Yay I ticked off another thing on my to do list. Are you constantly checking on yours to see what can be next in line? I have forgotten who was coming to the prom with me (Let me know again?)
My Tax is finally now in order. It really wasn't all that painful and I got it done just in time to deal with this years stuff. I have been busy working my butt to the bone (although it's getting bigger instead of smaller, work that out!) But I finished on a record month for me and a record month for my club this month. Amazing work! My boss is also leaving us for a conference tomorrow ans trusts me enough to leave the club in my hands. How exciting is that exactly? TREMENDOUSLY! I am going to start swimming again as of tomorrow. (I'm home from work already) And getting my life into gear. Career wise I am progressing well but my own health and fitness have been sliding. It's Jadey 100% all the way from here. I'm going to need a whole pile of help though. Work supports it's staff with some free counselling I am thinking of taking them up on and I have a referral to a dietitian. I am already seeing my gp, physio and podiatrist to help with the chronic pain also. I don't think I am an emotional eater at all. I am just an eater.On Thursday night Loz and Nick arrive in town and we are going to have a big weekend. It all Launches quite literally from 7 storeys high in the city on Friday. Yup! I am jumping head first off a 7 storey building. I am SO EXCITED! I'm also nervous as hell. This kind of jump is Rap Jumping which is where you basically abseil facing forwards and facing the ground. It looks awesome and it's great value at only $65 for 2 jumps! Hopefully I should have lots of photos and video to share when the weekend is over. Click HERE to see a video from getaway (only works in Internet Explorer) I hope everyone is well and safe. I do work my way very slowly through all of your blog entries. I keep the commenting to a minimum though these days as I am sure you understand. I miss you all alot though. I often think about you all.