Operation Roxy - In Progress

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Shitty Day

I really feel like screaming why me on days like today.

I had a list a mile long of things I needed to get done today and almost none of it did. You see as I take off down the road my little car decides it will not proceed for me today. My alternator died halfway to my first destination. DAMMIT. Wait for RACV - they come out and confirm it then wait for the tow-truck. Pouring rain outside, both dogs in the car (of course).

Now I suppose I can't complain too much - my car has NEVER let me down and "Eugeine Bailey" (OH named it) and I have done MANY km's together.
He looks a bit like the car above (same color and I can't believe I haven't taken any photos of him) Mine is always for sale (I want a Pajero but I am dreaming) And this car (which isn't mine) is on carpoint.com.au if you are interested in it (least I can do for borrowing their photo)

Tow driver dropped mum home to pick up the other car and took me and my car down to the mechanics (which is where I used to work) where everyone decided it was pick on Jadey day and let me have it. It was good to see Mully - I haven't seen him in sooo long! He bagged me cause I have been down here so long and the first time I come by is because my car is broken. (oops) I suppose I will have to drop in more frequently.

I broke a nail right off (ouch)

Finally got the dogs in the other car and took them home and went and got the stuff for my hair. Then I took my boots in to get sized for the tailoring, which should fingers crossed be ready by Friday which means I can take them to Sydney with me YAY! Bugger that I won't be able to take them to Dutton with me.

Only 2 more sleeps till I get to see the boy - too exciting!
1 More sleep till I weigh in!

I gotta tell you the last 3 days Mum and I have been down at the local shopping centre and as soon as I walk in the door there I can smell the Hot Cinnamon Donuts. (If you have been following me you know that my only 3 cravings have been for hot donuts (either jam or cinnamon who cares), pancakes and Hot Chips) Well I try my all to avoid them and I have - even though Mum and I keeo trying to justify just one each. Then today it was that we would buy one and go halves in it LoL - But I resisted and I have NOT had a single morsel of those scrumptious, mouth watering Hot Cinnamon Donuts. (did I mention there were also TWO donut kings within 50 metres of me all day on Saturday and I didn't go near them then either!)

I wonder and I worry about how I am going to go over the weekend and while I am away. I do hope I don't put much weight if any back on and I am going to have to MAKE myself go for walks because I know OH won't join me and I won't have the dogs so it will be boring.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
Posted by Jadey :: 1:49 PM :: 1 comments

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